Maximize your solar system’s efficiency with the Insele Solar Switch.
Solar Switch
Peak Solar Detection Switch for Solar System Management
Unlock the full potential of your solar system with the Insele Solar Switch. Unmanaged solar installations often miss out on utilizing available power. The Insele Solar Switch, paired with a timer, optimizes energy use by assigning loads during peak PV power times while monitoring solar availability. It detects sufficient solar power and activates the assigned load accordingly. Additionally, the switch includes an alternative input for utility power, automatically switching when solar power is insufficient.
Unmanaged solar installations often underutilize potential power. The Insele Solar Switch, paired with a timer, optimizes energy usage by scheduling loads during peak PV power times while continuously monitoring solar availability.
Easy Installation with Minimal Setup
The Insele Solar Switch is designed for easy installation on a standard DIN power rail within the DB board or a remote DB for pool and pump control. Setup is straightforward—once the switch and solar sensor are correctly installed, the system automatically connects inverter/solar power to the load, switching to an alternate source or shutting off when solar energy is insufficient. When solar power is adequate again, it reconnects.
Benefits of the Insele Solar Switch
- Optimizes solar energy usage
- Reduces electricity bills by using PV power for optional loads
- Provides automated solar control for convenience
- Versatile, suitable for managing various loads